
Hey, I’m April!

I’m an intuitive coach with an Asian Chinese background and upbringing. Growing up, success was defined by my culture to be wealthy and powerful in status. I’ve always felt immense pressure to perform, and even when I’ve achieved the so-called ‘success’, it didn’t feel aligned. I didn’t want my future children to live a life where their worth is based on how much money they make.

What if I told you you can arrive at success on your terms, honoring your truth and leading future generations of your bloodline to do the same? I’m calling you forward to make a change.

Choose yourself first. Be your own advocate.


I believe that coaching should be accessible to everyone.

I’m a certified Mastery Method™ Coach with 8+ years of career coaching experience.

I spent 12 months training under Alyssa Nobriga, with the Institute for Coaching Mastery, equipped with practical tools and strategies to support your expansion and unbecoming.


I’m passionate about calling Asian women forward to make a change for themselves.

My coaching containers are a balance of mindset and energetic soul work because one without the other is counterproductive. 

If you are looking to activate deep transformational work within yourself, and have the courage to let the experience shape + sharpen you, I am the coach for you.


How working with me can help you:

I help you get clear on who you really are

I help you get clear on what your vision + values are

I help you get clear on why your vision + values exist

I help you get clear on what your resistances are 

I help you get clear on why you’re holding onto these resistances

I help you get clear on how to release old patterns that no longer serves you

I help you get clear on where to redirect your energy within yourself to create a life with overflow

I help you to create strategies on how to move forward with your goals and keep you accountable

I take pride in creating a safe and non-judgmental space for you to fully feel your emotions

The real work lies in building self-awareness, self-acceptance, and the capacity to move through life’s challenges

Client Love


“April, you've given me a safe space to be vulnerable, to trust that I will not be judged, to guide me through everything when I don't have the words for it. You are my translator to feelings and thoughts that I've never known how to express.”

— ZY


Let’s connect on Instagram